Greetings in Christ Jesus, Fellow Soldiers.
During a deployment, it is easy to settle into a lifestyle where we seek merely to survive rather than thrive. But if you believe that God orders our affairs, then you must believe He has you here for a purpose. And if He has your here for a purpose, then you should have a goal beyond simply getting through this deployment.
Not only is it logical to do so, but it is helpful for getting you through this time. When you have goals and benchmarks for reaching those goals, then you have something greater than this deployment that you're aiming for, enriching your days with added incentives and meaning.
So what goals could you form? My wife and I have set up spiritual, marital, parental, physical, and financial goals. And by planning these things together, God has enriched our marriage.
In the days to come, I will suggest how you might go about discussing and implementing some of these goals and give yourself, by God's grace, a more meaningful deployment.
Your Servant in Christ,
CH Roberts
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