Thursday, September 5, 2013

No BS BS: The Gospel According to Noah--A Preview of Things to Come

Greetings in Christ Jesus, Fellow Soldiers.

Feel free to follow along with today's No BS BS discussion:

I.                    Reminder: Two Lines (Gen. 3-4)

a.       Result of Fall—enmity between seed of woman and seed of serpent

b.      What did this enmity look like in the real world as seen in Gen. 4?

c.       Camera on Cain’s line in ch.4—gets much worse (Lamech)

d.      What hope does end of ch4 offer? Ch5 points camera at line of God’s people.

II.                  Mankind’s Verdict: Judgment (Read Gen. 6:11-13)

a.       What does God see upon the earth? Violence points us back to what?

b.      How widespread is the problem and thus subject to judgment?

c.       Those made from earth have soiled the earth, which will exact justice.

d.      Floods—great symbol of judgment (undo Creation, Exodus, baptism)

III.                Angle 1 on Noah: Saved by Faith (Read Gen. 6:8-9, 22; Heb. 11:7)

a.       As God searched earth in judgment, how did Noah appear to God (v8)?

b.      What are three reasons for this? (righteous, blameless, relationship)

c.       How can Noah be part of “all flesh” and still “find favor?” (Heb. 11:7)

                                                               i.      Heard Word of God and knew it to be reality

                                                             ii.      At center was Promised One, Noah inheritor of His righteousness by faith

d.      Gen. 8:20-21—what type of sacrifice? (Followed pattern) How is it received?

IV.                Angle 2 on Noah: Type of Savior (Read Heb. 11:7; Gen. 7:1)

a.       Not only looked into future to Savior from judgment, but pictured Him

b.      Was Noah the only one saved by his righteousness? Others through him.

c.       Those united to Noah as family are spared from floods of judgment.

V.                  A Sovereign Salvation (Read Gen. 7:10-24)

a.       Did God’s Word come to pass? Through ordinary means.

b.      Was it the floods that blotted the people out? Sovereign judgment.

c.       But didn’t Noah and family save themselves with ark (v16)? Lord shut them in.

VI.                Preview of Things to Come (Read 2 Pet. 2:4-10; Gen. 9:1-3)

a.       What are we told the Noahic flood points forward to? Final judgment and salvation.

b.      In world where all flesh deserves judgment, our hope is in righteousness of another.

c.       Heb. 9:15—Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant.

d.      Gen. 9:1-3—out of final judgment, those saved walk out with a new life on a new world

e.      The offended earth became place of death/returning dust, now host to life

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