Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Question of the Day: God the Tolerant?

Greetings in Christ Jesus, Fellow Soldiers.

For me, tolerance seems to be one of the most disturbing concepts today. It is not a call to love. It asks that you show no regard to another's behavior, but to tolerate them, which seems to imply simply putting up with them. No, this petty concept falls far short of love.

Love involves looking upon someone who is morally corrupt and sinful (like you and me) and desiring their good to the extent that you are willing to lay down your life for them.

This doesn't mean overlooking sin, but it does mean not holding sin against someone. God's eternal love for His people did not overlook their sin, but considered it paid for when it was nailed to the cross with Christ Jesus (Col. 2). He is not a tolerant God, nor will He ever tolerate sin. But has has paid for it for all those who believe in Christ.

As such, when you approach God in prayer, you do not approach an open-minded reflection of man who holds His nose while you talk to Him. No, He embraces you unconditionally because of the perfect life and atoning death of Christ. He delights in you, and that is way better than tolerance.

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