Greetings in Christ Jesus, Fellow Soldiers.
One of the hardest things for a soldier in his/her redeployment is to return home and find that the kids have grown older, routines have changed, and they are resistant to attempts to actively engage and parent them again.
This is why a parental deployment goal may be helpful. Here is what I basically set up with my wife:
Main Goal: To stay involved in the parenting of our child.
Secondary Goal: Read Shepherding a Child's Heart with my wife and discuss it over the deployment.
Secondary Goal: Talk with my wife daily about new habits/routines/rules she has made with regard to our child.
Secondary Goal: While recognizing that she's the only practical authority right now--work with my wife through the decisions she has already made and those yet to come (and support her!).
Secondary Goal: Send home DVDs of me reading children's books through United Through Reading.
Secondary Goal: Get plenty of face time over Face Time with my little boy!
Please take any of these ideas or come up with your own in order to help close the distance between you and those most dear to your heart!
Your Servant in Christ,
The Chappy
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