Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thought of the Day: Battle Rhythm

Greetings in Christ Jesus, Fellow Soldiers.

So the hardest parts of the transition and spinning up are likely coming to a conclusion. You might be tempted to keep the tempo of this transition period, though you'll have the opportunity to settle into a more steady battle rhythm. I would encourage, whenever possible, to create a rhythm that is healthy for you and ultimately makes you a more effective soldier.

In particular, make time PT thoughout the week. Make sure you have time to call your family at some point every day or two. Make sure you're eating every meal, and if possible, doing it in a relaxed manner with fellow soldiers. Work hard to get good sleep throughout the week--like PT, it will pay huge physical and mental dividends for you. Carve out space for some fun time thoughout the week--whether it be 20 minutes of reading or watching a TV show each night, smoking a cigar with you battle buddies 1-2x a week, or watching a movie 1-2x a week.

And, of course, make intentional time for communing with the Lord. When you get up each morning, consider spending those first couple of minutes in prayer. Before you set out in a convoy, take a few minutes to reach a passage from God's Word and then pray for your trip. At the end of the day, take a few minutes to reflect on the passage you read, the day you just completed, pray over it, and take a few minutes to write a few thoughts about it.

God created your days; give them back to Him!

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