Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thought of the Day: Jesus, the Son of God

Greetings in Christ Jesus, Fellow Soldiers.

Many people like to talk about their admiration for Jesus. He was an incredibly moral man and they would like be more like him. But for many of these folks, Jesus was only a moral man.

The problem with Jesus, the moral man, never existed. Don't get me wrong, Jesus existed in human history, but only because he traded His heavenly crown for a crown of thorns. Many might believe that Jesus was simply a moral man, but they are clearly wrong.

Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus claimed to be God. If he was not God, then he was a liar or a lunatic for making such a claim. If a liar or a lunatic, then He was not a moral man. Jesus did not leave us with the possibility of considering him a mere moral man. Either He is who He says He is, or He was not moral in the least.

That is why the chief priests tore their robes when Jesus claimed to be God at his trial. They did not believe Him to be the Son of God--thus, He is a blasphemer against God (and incredibly immoral and wicked at that).

You can tear your robes at His immorality or bow the knee before His deity, but you cannot leave Him as a mere moral man. Jesus, the mere moral man, is simply a concept that wretched men like us use to dress up our ugliness in ancient clothing and feel better about ourselves.

Jesus is not a better version of you. He is the sinless Savior of the worst of sinners.

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