Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Thought of the Day: Self-Check

Greetings in Christ Jesus, Fellow Soldiers.

I have noticed recently that my lack of sleep and long work days are catching up with me. I'm more irritable and crabby and desperate for just a few minutes of alone time to recoup.

And I know that I am not unique in this. We practically live on top of each other out here and are exposed to other people 12 some odd hours of the day, every day, for the better part of a year. There is always the nervous energy that accompanies every trip outside of the wire, as well as the toll that rolling down bumpy roads through conjested traffic for hours of the day in stuffy body armor and poor air quality will take upon you.

Of course, we always have the pressure exerted upon us by soldiers above us and below us on the rank structure, as well as the normal family matters that we need to attend to from afar.

Taking this together, make sure to keep giving yourself a psychological and spiritual self-check.

Are you irritable or irrationally angry at times? Do you feel stressed? Do you try to avoid people as much as possible?

If any of these questions are answered in the affirmative, ask yourself what it is in particular that is causing these feelings, share your thoughts with others, and start seeking out opportunities that you know would bring you a greater measure of peace (prayer, reading, running, intentional alone time, etc.).

And lay all these things before the Lord, who has not only saved your life in Jesus Christ, but is now working in and through your for His good pleasure.

Psalm 139

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart!
Try me and know my thoughts!
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting!

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